Anabolic steroids

If you are found guilty of supplying or selling you can get a prison sentence of up to 14 years or face an unlimited fine. In 2013, a report found abuse of anabolic steroids to be a major contributing factor in cases bodybuilding steroids for sale of officer corruption. In 2018, a police officer suspected of using anabolic steroids to improve his physique was dismissed without notice after a Lincolnshire Police panel found him guilty of gross misconduct.

The benefit of hiring a drug offences solicitor is that they can gain access to the information that the police has before the interview. Once they have this information and have spoken to you, they can start to build a strong defence for you. The interview will be tape-recorded in case it needs to be used as evidence and played in court (if your case goes to court).


This usually means that people are able to train more often and for longer periods of time, with improved recovery. Fluid retention is also common and can lead to muscles looking soft or bloated. Less serious offences are usually dealt with by magistrates’ courts, where sentences can’t exceed six months and/or a £5,000 fine, or three months and/or a fine.

  • However, those who use them without a prescription as performance-enhancing aids are likely to use them in higher quantities, and without medical advice.
  • You might also find it hard to stop taking them and feel withdrawal symptoms if you do stop.
  • Or they may take additional medicines to try to counter the side effects.
  • If you are arrested and need urgent legal representation or advice, contact us as soon as possible – the earlier we begin your defence, the better your overall chances of facing these charges.
  • We will study the classification of each type of steroid, amphetamine or other products such as growth hormones and insulin.

Abuse differs from that of other drugs, such as heroin or cocaine, as the desire to use them does not generally come from the effects of the drug, but rather from wanting to change appearance or improve athletic performance. They can also be imported or exported, as long as this is carried out in person. This means they can’t be posted or delivered by a courier or freight service. Most are Prescription Only, so they can only be obtained if they’ve been prescribed by a doctor and supplied by a pharmacy (eg, strong analgesics like morphine, stimulants like amphetamines or cocaine, tranquillisers and most sedatives).

What type of actions are considered Importation of Steroids?

They are not authorised for medical use and can only be supplied, possessed or administered in exceptional circumstances under a special Home Office licence, usually only for research purposes. Examples include cannabis, coca leaf, ecstasy, LSD, raw opium and psilocin (when extracted from magic mushrooms). Simple possession of a temporary class drug is not an offence under the 1971 Act.

If you hire a skilled and experienced drug offences solicitor, it’s possible that they could get this matter resolved outside of the court system. There is no possession offence but it is illegal to manufacture, supply or possess/import/export steroids with the intent to supply, without a licence to do so. Anabolic steroids are drugs artificially derived from the main male hormone testosterone.

If a medicine is not authorised, there is no guarantee that it meets quality, safety and efficiency standards required in the UK. Please contact us and ask to speak to our criminal solicitors to arrange a meeting in person, online or by telephone. If you prefer, you can WhatsApp us from the link you will find on this page.

What is anabolic steroids cut with?

Sentences can increase if you are dealing drugs or supplying them – even if it’s just to friends with no money changing hands. A temporary banning order allows a substance to be banned until analysis can be carried out to assess the potential risks to human health. It is important to realise that getting involved in drugs can bring many other problems that can affect your health, your relationships with your family and friends, your financial wellbeing and where you live. As a class C substance they are illegal to sell or deal unless they are prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons.

Anabolic steroids are synthetically produced chemicals which mimic the effects of natural hormones, especially the male sex hormones or androgens. When abused, anabolic steroids can cause baldness, erectile dysfunction, infertility, reduced sperm count, severe acne, shrunken testicles and excruciating stomach pain in men. In women, they can cause typically masculine symptoms such as a deepening of the voice, growth of facial and body hair and loss of breasts, as well as menstruation problems and swelling of the clitoris. If the police catch people supplying illegal drugs in a home, club, bar or hostel, they can potentially prosecute the landlord, club owner or any other person concerned in the management of the premises.

Evidence that the police and others have collected to prove their case may be shared with you. Overall, the interview is stressful and uncomfortable, especially as what they tell you could be a surprise if you haven’t already hired a solicitor. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself in a room with two investigations for formal interviewing.